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American Whiner

February 16, 2009

The election of our new President and his more recent town hall meetings have given me a great idea for a new reality show.  It seems like every cable channel has one.  We have Dancing With the Stars, Survivor, American Idol, Celebrity Rehab and even American Loggers. So I thought why not have one that really reflects what America has become.

My idea for this new reality show was inspired by President Obama’s Florida town hall meeting last week.  Everyone there had something to complain about. Life was unfair for some reason or another. So I thought we could get a crew and hit the road and travel across the country to town hall meetings and look for contestants to participate in the new reality show American Whiner.

I would hire Michael Moore and Cindy Sheehan to be the co-hosts.  They could travel to the different cities and interview people. It would be set up just like the meet and greets the president has been doing. Like the president, we would find as many losers as possible to attend and Mike and Cindy would interview them and we could hear all their sad stories. For instance how they where forced to drop out of high school because they were expected to attend classes and forgo the booze and drugs. Then when they finally got a job at McDonalds they were expected to show up on time and that just wasn’t fair. We might hear how when their 17 year old girlfriend gave birth they were expected to help support the baby on a part time job at Mickey D’s. It’s not their fault that they are barely employable and can’t take any responsibility.

Finalist would be picked from each meeting and would be brought to Washington, DC for the finals which would be judged by Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Charlie Rangel and Barney Frank. They would be scored in three categories: self pity, poor decision making and responsibility avoidance.  They would also be hooked up to heart rate and respiration monitors and those showing significant increases upon seeing pictures of the First Couple would receive extra points. Of course to really get people jazzed we would need to promise them a chance to meet the Obamassiah in person. That would be part of the grand prize. The rest of the prize would be a thousand dollars in food stamps and one way tickets for the winner and their family to Argentina.

I honestly think this would be quite entertaining, I don’t know about anyone else but I certainly enjoyed Julio Asequeda the McDonalds worker from Ft. Myers. Could he have been any more entertaining? If we have to support these people we might as well get something in return.

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